So, by now you must know that I love fantasy novels. I mentioned to an aquaintance that although I love them, I feel the need to read some books written for adults. She suggested that I read Haruki Murakami, and actually said that she had read his complete works over the previous six months. She said that they would give me the fantasy fix that I usually find in young adult series.
So, I read Haruki Murakami's complete works last year. His style is really fiction with some sci-fi elements. Most of his characters lead relatively normal existences, for Japanese people living in the 1980s. However, they somehow find themselves in unrealistic sci-fi or fantasy situations. Since they are regular people living regular lives, they do realize the insanity of the situations in which they find themselves.
I found myself eager to find out what happened and the reasons why these strange things were happenning. Although I was interested, and enjoyed the reads, they didn't hook me as much as some of the young adult series I've read. What I found annoying and sometimes infuriating is that Murakami doesn't usually explain why! When I read mysteries, I love to try and figure out the reasons why, and love finding out all of the information in the end. Murakami did not give me the satisfaction I was looking for. He often just ends the story with the characters going back to their regular lives, never really giving any closure. Nonetheless, I did always promply pick up another of his novels after finishing the previous one. They must have provided me with something I enjoyed, moreso than just the feeling of accomplishment I sought for reading his complete works.
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